Staying Active – Get outside and take a walk. Muswell Hill Chiropractor Dylan Paydar shares some local walks to try ...

Staying Active – Get outside and take a walk. Muswell Hill Chiropractor Dylan Paydar shares some local walks to try …

There is a significant amount of scientific evidence available to demonstrate that being physically active helps us to lead healthier and even happier lives. As a leading North London Chiropractor I can’t stress enough to my patients the benefits of taking regular exercise. However, for many the 21st century lifestyle has seen a reduction in…

back care advice from north london chiropractor

Back Pain – it could be your mattress. Dylan Paydar from Muswell Hill Chiropractic Clinic in North London offers this advice

Did you know that your bed could be the cause of your back pain? The results of research undertaken by the British Chiropractic Association (BCA) in 2011 showed that 41% of women and 36% of men who said they experienced back pain also said that their back pain could be brought on by a night’s…

UK Back Pain Hot spots – How did London Fair? North London Chiropractor provides this insight

Almost half of the UK population (48%*)has suffered from back pain at some time according to consumer research. The research commissioned by the British Chiropractic Association (BCA) showed that although 26% of those participating in the research have suffered from back pain for over a year, only 25% of them have sought any professional treatment…

sleping position advice from muswell hill chiropractor

What Your Sleeping Position Says About You – North London Chiropractor shares this insight …

Premier Inn, the budget hotel chain, recently undertook a research study alongside Robert Phipps, a leading British body language expert, to reveal what peoples’ sleeping positions say about them.  In particular the report reveals that the position a person sleeps in reflects their mood, stress level and even their personality. The research looked at the…