walking advide from our north london chiropractor

6 tips to make walking fun. North London Chiropractor Dylan Paydar offers this advice …

Exercise is a vital component of staying healthy. And to get going with exercise there is no better way than by walking. It’s free, simple and can be undertaken by nearly everyone regardless of age or fitness level. It’s probably the most underrated form of exercise available to us. This could possibly be because it…

Suffering Frequent headaches? Painkillers may not be the answer

Suffering Frequent headaches? Painkillers may not be the answer

If you suffer frequent headaches, you’ll be only to aware how debilitating they can be. Reaching for the painkillers may not be as beneficial as first believed according to a recent article in the press. The news article highlighted the danger that taking painkillers could actually increase the number of headaches a person experienced. In…