prenancy advoce from our north london chiropractor

Back Pain During Pregnancy – Some ideas on managing it.

It is not surprising that during pregnancy back pain can come on, given the facts that you gain more weight, your centre of gravity is lowered and your ligaments are starting to relax to prepare your body for labour. The first “port of call” would be gentle exercises  to strengthen the core abdominal muscles which…

back safe advice from our chiropractor in north london

More tech time than sleep time can damage your health – Tips from a North London Chiropractor to keep your back safe

New technology is amazing.  It has really enhanced our lives and changed it for the better.  We can do our work, research, banking, shopping, watch films and connect with people all across the world in an instant.  It  is  remarkable what technology is capable of. However this does come at a price and a new…

back safe when travelling advice from our north london chiropractor

Bank Holiday Getaway travelling – Advice from a leading North London Chiropractor to keep your back safe

Bank holiday weekend is close and it’s a big one!  The August bank holiday weekend is one where all the kids have been off school for weeks and hopefully the weather is great.  Many people decide to go and visit family hundreds of miles across the country, a lot of people decide to go camping…

back safe cycling advice from our chiropractor in north london

Planning to get on your bike – Keep your body in good condition with advice from a North London Chiropractor

The summer may be nearing to an end and for many of us that will mean no more casual cycling.  However since the exploits of the British cycling teams from the 2008  Olympics through to the 2013 Tour De France and ever since,  cycling has been a growing sport in the UK.  Numbers have grown…

back safe summer holiday advice

Keep your back safe when you are travelling this summer – Tips from a Chiropractor in North London

We are in the middle of holiday season. Many of us have already been on holiday and many of us will be heading off shortly. Whether you are going for a week or 2 in the sun, an active holiday in a country park, a “staycation” or just taking time off work we need to…

sports injury advice from our north london chiropractor

You don’t have to be a sporting superstar to benefit from chiropractic treatment at a leading Chiropractor in North London

As the world cup has finished and the summer season of sport is drawing to a close over the next few weeks you might spare a thought for many of the athletes who have suffered an injury over the season.  Their injuries will often require the services of a chiropractor.  As a Chiropractor in North…

summer holiday back care advice from our muswell hill chiropractor

Keep your back safe on your summer holidays with advice from a chiropractor from North London

It is that time of year again, the holiday season.  We all get excited for our plans whether we are going abroad,  going on a ‘staycation’ or just planning some time off work.  Whatever your plans,  my advice to you as a leading Chiropractor in North London is to keep your back safe during this…

Can a Chiropractor Help with Sports Injuries? A leading Chiropractor in North London thinks so

Can a Chiropractor Help with Sports Injuries? A leading Chiropractor in North London thinks so

Playing sports and exercising regularly is a great way to spend your time.  As a busy chiropractor in North London I see a lot of patients come in with sporting injuries.  They ask if a chiropractor can help and of course the answer is yes. Sporting injuries can cause people a lot of pain and…

tennis injury advice from our north london chiropractor

Anyone for a round of tennis – Avoid common tennis injuries following advice from a leading Chiropractor in North London

It’s that time of year again!  One of the biggest sporting events of every summer,  Wimbledon is finally here.   Over the next couple of weeks we will get excited watching a feast of great tennis played by the best players in the world.  Maybe we will get to see Murray retain his title but maybe…